Womens Federation for World Peace, Trinidad and Tobago is indeed proud to be associated with “OUR CHILDREN THE FUTURE INC”, the ardent sponsor of our annual children Christmas party since 2015.  Our association with Joan and Lloyd Forbes who we consider Angels without wings began in 2008 when our President  met them in Los Angeles, California and learnt of their mission to Trinidad and Tobago distributing toys and gifts to the children of economically challenged communities.

We embraced the opportunity for our organization to be included since our mission is in keeping with the objectives of OCTF Inc.   WFWP has grown overwhelmingly from this initiative.

In October 2018, WFWP increased its humanitarian effort an emergency response and another collaboration with OCTF Inc. which involved distribution of food, clothing and other essential items to the flood ravaged residents of Sangre Grande, Mayaro and environs bringing joy and happiness to the lives of many.

OCTF Inc is positively fulfilling its vision and mission in working collaboratively to enhance the economically-challenged communities in Trinidad & Tobago through education, finance and health care.

Women’s Federation for World Peace highly recommends OUR CHILDREN THE FUTURE INC to anyone or companies willing to support their initiatives.

 Rhonda Alcantaraz

Vice President/Womens Federation for World Peace Trinidad and Tobago