For the past ten (10) years, OUR CHILDREN THE FUTURE INC. (OCTF), a Los Angeles based non-profit organization, has worked with the Laventille-Morvant Pastoral Area in assisting underprivileged families.

Over the years, the group has provided toys, food hampers, school supplies and medical equipment for both seniors and children with disabilities.  They have also collaborated with us in community outreach initiatives for the homeless by providing clothing and toiletries.

As a resident of the neighborhood, I am acutely aware of the problem facing the area. Groups that direct their energies in positive directions are a huge benefit to our local community.  The Laventille-Morvant Pastoral Area supports OUR CHILDREN THE FUTURE INC. (OCTF) and the work they continue to do in the Laventille-Morvant area.  I believe their presence is important because of the real difference it can make in the lives of those who benefit.

Please consider donating to this wonderful organization

Kendell Worrell

Dynamic Young Adults/LMPA